Sunday 28 September 2008

Last SP Question

If you were told you could never again buy yarn, would would your last yarn
purchase be?

Oh how can I answer that?! Something from Noro, I think, because I've never tried it. Or Colinette Point 5 which I just love, in the brightest colours!

If you were told you could never knit again, what would be the last thing
you'd knit??

Oh! What a thought! Oh dear, something very very large, I think, so I could knit it for as long as possible. Perhaps a freeform coat or wall hanging.

In a given year, how many times do you buy yarn?
Not as often as I'd like. Perhaps half a dozen.

And what is your favorite place to buy yarn from? A festival? A shop? Online? Dish your favorite places!!
I wish I did have a good local yarn shop in the area. There is a small gift shop that sells some nice yarns at very nice prices(!). I love Shilasdair, in Waternish on Skye. If I had a shop that had lots of different types, so I could handle and compare, that would be my favourite.

Lastly, with Fall in full swing in many areas, what is the one thing you
look forward to most?

The demise of the midgie! At last I've been able to walk the dogs without having to smother myself in Skin so Soft.
Cool days, I love the cool weather.
Crisp bright winter days.
Snuggling up by the fire while the weather roars outside.

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