Friday 4 July 2008

Feeling better - and disappointed

I'm feeling quite a bit better today. I went into work in the afternoon, though I still felt quite rough while I was there.
I'm feeling really disappointed tonight as I'd hoped to get to meet a couple of dogs this weekend who are needing rehoming. It was through a specific site and I first enquired on Monday night but it wasn't til tonight that I managed to get through to the owners. They have someone else who's interested and coming to meet the dogs this weekend. They didn't let the site owners know this, which is naughty, as the site owners put only one person at a time in touch with the owners to avoid - huh - disappointment.
I am soooo disappointed that someone has got in there before me. As soon as I saw the dogs on the site, I said to myself, "There they are," ie MY dogs. I've been trying to stay realistic and not get my hopes up but this pair were just perfect for me. I don't want to say too much about them, in order not to identify them... *big big sigh*
Knitting-wise, I'm getting along with the Lace Shrug and my armwarmers are on hold until I have the brain power to tackle the creation of the pattern again!
Meanwhile, I'm soaking up Big Brother!! How sad am I?!

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